Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Fairy Tales & Newsie Things

First off - wow, first post to DS! Hopefully I can rebuy the domain and rehost it so we can really get our writing community up and running. I'm also going to make a layout, because Bloggers suck. Unfortunately someone bought out from under me, so we'll have to be .net or something of the like.

We will have tons of stuff eventually: resources, prompts, our writings, writings of other people, great tools for writers and more. Mostly we will just be writing what strikes us, looking for ideas and just posting whatever we feel like at the time.

This site is here to encourage us and our readers to write, because it's important. It doesn't matter what you write, just that you write, right?

I'm a member of 'Your Everyday Write' and each week a writing prompt is sent to me, and I rarely ever do them, but each week I'm going to start posting them here, so other people can do them with me. I think this is a good starting point for people to just get writing beyond journal entries, really fleshing out characters and plot points in a one page writing assignment of sorts is a great challenge.

Today however, since I am missing the prompt I was going to post, I'm going to post a prompt of my own that may or may not be similar to the one that was going to be here. YEW prompts this week are fairy tale themed, so, so is mine. Ready?

Write a story that shows a character reflecting on their fairy tale. This can be Cinderella thinking about her experiences, or anything of the like. You can use any character in any tale. Avoid simply retelling the tale, and avoid writing from the perspective of a character not involved in the story, rather try and write how the character felt, and feels now, how it effected and changed them, and what their plans for the future are. Write a page.

I'll write mine, and post it in just a few minutes. Good luck!