Naruto - Ep 5
First off - the opening and ending themes to this series are so much fun. I know I said that before, but I want to say it again. They're great. I especially like the ending song, it's just really catchy with the lyrics and the flutes. Refer to one of my first posts on Naruto for a link to download the themes if you want.
Well, here's my take on the last episode of Naruto for us, and the last episode of Digital Spams 24 Hours of Anime!
Ep. 5 picked up where Ep. 4 left off, on a cliffhanger. Naruto had been assigned to a three man team and their sensei had instructed them to remove two bells from his belt. The two who managed to remove the bells would stay, the one who didn't would have to go back to the Ninja academy.
The episode left off with Naruto hanging from a tree, thanks to a trap, and the Sensei being hit with a slew of weapons by one of the other team members.
This episode was a good one. It showed a beginning of the building of a team between these members and a relationship between the team and their teacher. It had a good conflict/resolution situation that was needed between the characters. It didn't solve all the problems, but it'll help the character development along quite a bit. Naruto was still Naruto: loud, annoying, egotistical, and whiny.
Each episode has a good amount of humor to it as well. I like them when they're funny the best. Or the ones with flesh eating cowboy zombies, but that's a whole different story all together.
My rating for the first five episodes of Naruto? It's:
Five Duckies!
It got the highest rating of the Project, although Full Moon and oddly enough Melody both come very close to hitting a five as well. I very much plan on downloading the rest (100000+ it seems like) and seeing what happens further on in the series.
I didn't get to see all the anime we planned on watching, but we did watch a good amount of it, roughly 40 episodes, and I'm happy to say that our random picking paid off. We most definitely got some good ones.
This is my last post! Thank you SO much to all of our sponsors, thanks to Torny for being my partner in crime for this fiasco, and thanks to you for reading this! Don't forget, there is still time to sponsor if you can, we would appreciate it so much!
I'm always sad to see these things end, and this year was weirder then normal because it wasn't the offical Blogathon (not that it wasn't as good) and most of the people who do the Blogathon didn't this year, and I missed them. Torny and I are probably going to do another 24 hours of Anime next year, with better planning even to squeeze more in. You're more then welcome if you're interested! It would be cool to have a whole big group of people.
Well, my tushy is totally killing me from sitting here for so long and I've got to go get some sleep. I have a class to teach in five hours. Now, go to bed like good little boys and girls, and I don't want to hear any more noise out of you, we've let you stay up far too late as it is.
See you later, or as you'd say in Japanese 'Ja matane!'
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