Saturday, July 24, 2004

Full Moon Wo Sagashite - Ep 3

This one just keeps getting better! If they all keep being this good I'll have a whole list of ones to keep downloading when this is all over.

Episode 3 was a good one. It was about Mitsuki meeting her new Manager and trying to juggle her story between her new Manager and her Doctor while keeping everything a secret. Lies and silly transformations abound!

On to episode 4, once this is over I'll be caught up with Fred, we'll do 5 and then move on to whatever series is next. I don't know which one it is, I don't call the shots on that one.

Kawaii - Kawaii means cute. It's pronounced like Hawaii but with a K. If you're going to say it, you have to say it right: high pitched and with an elongated 'aiiiii'. All together now: "Cowboys are kawaiiii!" Mmm..cowboys.

Current Anime: Full Moon Wo Sagashite Current Episode: 4


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