Just a quickie
This is just a fast post for 3:30 to ask you to please sponsor us if you can. We've only made $30.00 so far, and we do appreciate every cent.
If you're wondering who we're blogging for, we're blogging for the H.O.M.E Center YCC, a non-profit children's activity class. Once a week we get together and do activities, take trips and other fun things. I currently run the program, and we're in desperate need of funding to continue the program through fall, and also to add more classes during the week, or extra activities like our most recent: a group camp-out.
It costs roughly $300 each 'season shift' of the class. Each shift is three months long, and usually encompasses the major three months of each season. Right now we're smack dab in the middle of Summer (June - August) and we have no funding for Fall or Winter at all. For a while everything was coming out of my pocket, but the Center was nice enough to buy the supplies for the last few months of classes.
I would love to eventually get enough funding that I could turn it into an entire youth program with classes that are more age based, and meet more often.
It would be awesome if you could donate just a few dollars so that I can continue to bring activities, trips and classes to these kids. We've worked really hard to form a good community in our program and I'd hate to lose that because we don't have the funding. :)
Thanks so much, and I hope you can help us. :)
Did you know 'blogging' comes up as 'flogging' with Bloggers own spellcheck?
Ep 4 review right after the hour!
Gomen Nasai - Gomen Nasai is the more formal version of "I'm sorry". I say it all the time, ask anyone.
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