Full Moon Wo Sagashite - Ep. 5
Episode 5 involved Mitsuki meeting for her first real 'job' a photo shoot and interview. During the interview she gets flustered because she's not sure how a 'real' sixteen year old would respond to the questions. During the photo shoot the photographer gets angry with her because her poses and movements aren't natural. After they take a break, she goes for a walk and goes to a hill where she sings a song. A group of high school girls overhear her and begin talking to her, and during this conversation she realizes that she doesn't have to act sixteen, she only has to act like herself.
Yay! Touchy-feely moral cutesy episode! I'll be totally watching this one after today. My rating on Full Moon Wo Sagashite episodes 1 - 5?

Four and One-half Duckies
In other news, Torny is nowhere to be found and it's slowly approaching on two hours. I'm seriously thinking about quitting if he's not back by 7. Nobody is reading this anyway right? (If you are, leave a comment and let me know if you think I should bother.)
Anyway, it's on to the next Anime!
Current Anime: Maria Sama ga Miteru
Current Episode: 1
What's It About?:
AnimeNfo is back up, and here's what it has to say about Maria Sama ga Miteru:
"The story takes place at the Lilian private boarding school for girls, founded 1902,
proud proud of its long tradition and elegant school style. Surrounded by the rich
environment of Musashino, Lilian boarding school owns a kindergarten, a primary
school, a middle school, a high school and a college (home economics/literature) and
a postgraduate college. The school educates young ladies from noble families and
equips them with a rich knowledge and fine manners. A cherry tree alley leads to the
school and after passing the school gate you'll find yourself on a gingko tree
In order to keep the tradition of a clean pure campus, a system called "sisters" has
been established in the high school. By exchanging rosaries in a ceremony the
"senpai" (seniors) swear to look after and guide the younger sisters, "Kôhai" (the
juniors). Yumi just moved on to her first year in high school and has yet never had
a "sister" before, when the admired second year student Sachiko suddenly declares
that she will be her "sister"."
Slotted as 'Drama/Romance/Schookids' it will be interesting to see how this one turns out. It sounds like it may be a bit dry, but you never know right? It sounds cute, anyhow. Well, here we go, episode 1! Review will be here around 5:25, watch for it! :)
Shounen-ai - Meaning, literally, 'boy love' this refers to anime in which two male characters are attracted to each other. Usually these are Bishounen or androgynous characters. These types of anime are still considered Shoujo (girls anime) and don't have a whole lot of ecchi or pornographic material, they mostly focus on relationships and story development.
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